Foods to Keep your Brain Young

Our conversations often revolve around being physically and mentally healthy. Being active through exercise and diet is a great way to keep your body healthy and functioning. Practicing self-care, meditation, or seeing a therapist is a great way to keep mentally and emotionally healthy. However, we don’t often talk about brain health, and how we can create an energy source for our brain through the foods we eat.

Your brain is the control center of the body. It is in charge of your thoughts, memory, emotions, touch, motor skills, vision, breathing, temperature, hunger, and every other process that regulates through our body. It keeps our lungs breathing and our heart beating, and without it, there can be no life. So how can we keep our brain working at peak condition as time goes on?

Dementia and Alzheimers continue to be a threat as we approach old age, but did you know there are ways to prevent these types of diseases from affecting you? Engaging in things such as puzzles and word searches are common activities, but the foods you consume also contribute to your overall brain health.

There are numerous foods linked to better brainpower and eating them once won’t do the trick. Incorporating these foods into your everyday diet is what will reap the most rewards in the long run. The same foods that increase brain cognitivity act as protectors to your heart and blood vessels, so there are many benefits to adding these superfoods to your plate. 

Although there is no way to stop brain deterioration outright, by changing your routines now you can help prevent worsening cases and even reverse brain cell damage that has already begun. 

So what foods can you incorporate in your meals starting today? How can you create a routine for your family to enjoy while also benefiting their everyday life? Here are eight foods to boost brainpower:

  • Turmeric 

The micro ingredient that gives Turmeric the orange colour is called Curcumin, which is known to increase blood flow to the brain. A key ingredient in preventing or reversing symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, Turmeric has been used for centuries as a brain superfood and when mixed with pepper it has even stronger benefits. 

  • Blueberries

Blueberries are rich in antioxidant compounds, which are linked to improving brain function. The whole berry family is beneficial as they carry minerals that are important for your brain and heart health. Blueberries in particular improve intelligence and increase brain memory most commonly.

  • Greens

Eating leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli, cabbage, collards, and brussel sprouts are very beneficial for brain health. Incorporating greens into one of two meals a day can significantly decline brain deterioration over the years. 

  • Coffee

Coffee is a universally enjoyed beverage, some love the smell alone, some love the taste, but nonetheless, it is a staple in the morning for people all over the world. Although many believe coffee to be unhealthy, it is a vasodilator, which means it is good for blood circulation. Coffee is linked to brain health as it opens the blood vessels that feed your brain. It is difficult to fit coffee into your routine if the caffeine keeps you awake after dinner – so try mushroom-based coffee instead. And remember…no sugar!

  • Tea

A drink that has been around since the beginning of time, tea has been enjoyed by many over the years. Green and white teas are known to have brain-boosting powers and are specifically linked with improved memory.

  • Legumes

Legumes, such as beans, peas, lentils, and peanuts are extremely healthy for your body. They are a common ingredient in Alzheimer’s prevention diets as they possess vitamins critical for brain function. 

  • Omega 3-Fatty Acids

A brain superfood that most people are aware of is Omega 3, which we intake high levels of by eating fish such as salmon, anchovies, herring, and sardines. These contain major structural fats in the brain and eyes and are responsible for memory, language, creativity, emotion, and attention. As oceans are being destroyed due to overfishing, many are cutting these foods out of their diet. Thankfully, there are other foods that contain high levels of Omega 3 fats that can be supplemented into your meals, such as flax seeds and chia seeds.

  • Red Grapes

A key ingredient in red grapes is resveratrol, which protects the brain. Common food for patients with Alzheimer’s disease, grapes are linked with enhancing brain health and delaying the degenerative neural disease. This is why drinking one glass of red wine a day has health benefits, and you can get the same benefits from enjoying red grape juice or eating red grapes. 

There are many changes you can make to your diet to help improve your brain health and memory. Whether it be for yourself or your loved ones, incorporating these foods into your daily diet will reap short-term and long-term benefits that your brain will thank you for! We at Green Schools Green Future believe in the power of healthy eating and providing energy to your body through fresh food. That is why it is our goal to build educational schools where kids can learn the importance of nutrient-rich foods, that they can grow and cultivate themselves. If you believe in the mission of our project, visit To learn more about the power of the brain, visit Better Brain Health



By Cassandra Briscoe


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