Deforestation and its Effect on Our Environment

Picture of Maanasa Chander

Maanasa Chander

Blog writer & Social Media
Image credit : Picture by Laura Adai

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Deforestation and its Effect on Our Environment


Hello and welcome to Green Schools Green Future! In this enlightening blog, we will be examining the truly devastating effects of deforestation on our planet and what we can do to contribute to reversing the damage of the horrendous practices which caused it. Deforestation is the purposeful destruction of forestry for alternative motives. Forests play an integral role in the sustainability of Earth’s natural habitats. Many organisms thrive in this rich environment. However, this vital resource is disappearing at an alarming rate causing an imbalance in biodiversity and the balance that all forms of life live by. 

What are the Causes of Deforestation?

Human activities cause deforestation and are the leading factor in the increasing deforestation rates. Firstly, industrial agriculture plays a significant role in the contribution to deforestation. Approximately four point seven million hectares of forested land are lost every year due to agricultural activities. That is almost the size of Costa Rica! Majority of agriculture-related deforestation causes are more prominent in South America and Southeast Asia although this particular cause has immensely affected Canada as well. Much of our forest land is being transformed and used for livestock and crops. These trees will never grow back on this land because it will be permanently used for farming. Secondly, another crucial cause of deforestation is resource extraction. Extraction of natural resources is vital to our economy. However, the processes of obtaining these oils, gases, and minerals can cause serious damage to the environment in those areas. This process requires roads, pipelines, seismic lines, and open pits. All of these components contribute directly to the destruction of trees.

What are the Effects of Deforestation in Canada?

High Carbon Footprint:

Forestry is crucial in regulating carbon levels. They absorb roughly one third of carbon emissions created by burning fossil fuels each year. Canada will experience elevating levels of carbon footprint in the years to come as we do not have as much forestry to absorb and store carbon as we once did. Carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases generated by human practices. Consuming meats, driving vehicles that run on fossil fuels, air travel, and large houses that run on high amounts of energy all contribute to Canada’s increasing carbon footprint. In terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced, our nation has exceeded many other industrialised nations such as the United Kingdom.

Canada’s Boreal Forest:

Canada’s boreal forests specifically can store twice as much carbon than tropical forests. These forests are vital in regulating carbon levels. As these unique ecosystems are so greatly contributing to absorbing greenhouse gases, they can also be quite dangerous to the environment if jeopardised. When trees are destroyed, they emit carbon into the environment and can no longer absorb greenhouse gases. The amount of gas released depends on the tree. Since boreal trees are capable of storing more gas, they can be expected to also release more after death.

Logging Scars:

Logging activities have caused deforestation in the affected areas, these incidents are referred to as logging scars. During logging, temporary sites and worksites are built in order to carry through with logging activities. By doing this, trees are not only removed on site, the packed ground makes it difficult for seedlings to take root in the affected areas. While these treeless patches seem unimportant at the moment, logging scars make up 21, 700 hectares of deforested land in Ontario alone! If we do not work to repair these grounds, by 2030 these logging scars will result in our forests being unable to absorb and convert 41 megatonnes of carbon dioxide to oxygen. This is about one year’s worth of transportation emissions in Canada.

Artificial Versus Authentic Christmas Trees

Artificial Christmas trees are the right move for any family! These trees can be reused for every holiday season while authentic Christmas trees are required to be disposed of and required every year. Artificial trees are not only better for the environment, they are cost-effective, mess-free and much more convenient! Bigger Christmas trees can cost $80 – $100. Artificial trees can help you reach your annual-cost-savings goals. Needles will not be littering your floors and no watering is required. When the holidays are over, you may pack your tree up and store it for next year as opposed to going through the process of disposing of the tree. You can also purchase trees of different styles in different colours.

Help Preserve Canada’s Forests!

The government of Canada along with many other nations at COP26 climate summit have vowed to reverse deforestation by 2030. Private companies in the forestry sector have backed up this claim and promised to contribute to this change. Our government is now fighting to reverse the damage of climate change. It is time for us to step up and take action as well in order to preserve our forests. This can be done by making simple changes, such as trying to purchase less meat. The demand for livestock will lower and agricultural practices will breed less livestock which will in turn free up space to grow forestry. You can support companies that fight for this cause and lower the amount of paper you use. You can also support organisations that fight to reverse deforestation. Unite for Change’s Protect the Environment Fund supports 530 organisations that are attempting to reverse deforestation. Every small donation helps them succeed!

Closing Remarks

Thank you for reading this far! Hopefully you have discovered new information on this pressing issue which has so greatly affected our environment and the balance we all live by. We need strong voices like yours to help educate others on this pressing issue. On behalf of Green Schools Green Futures I would like to thank you once again for your contribution to our journey. Your donations to the Green Schools Foundation have helped the Green Schools community grow and continue to shed light on these critical matters. If you would be so kind, please make a donation to our GSGF foundation so we can carry on with our work. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for more!

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