Cruelty in Canadian Poultry Farming: What Can You Do to Make a Difference?

Picture of Maaya Chander

Maaya Chander

Blog Writer & Social Media Strategist
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Hello and welcome to Green Schools Green Future. In this blog, we delve into the unfortunate world of cruelty in Canadian poultry farming and discuss this issue from an ethical and environmental standpoint. Although chicken is a staple in many dishes and cultures, the mass production of this animal, as you will see, is simply inhumane. We will explore the current state of cruelty in Canadian poultry farming and some promising sustainable alternatives.

The Treatment of Chickens in Canadian Poultry Farming

In Canada, and many other parts of the world, poultry farming methods focus on maximizing efficiency and profit at the cost of animal welfare. Intensive farming practices raise chickens to produce eggs and meat. To maintain high production levels, farmers confine the animals to small sheds for most of their lives. Both layer hens and broiler hens, chickens raised for eggs and meat respectively, endure inhumane treatments at every stage of their lives.

Chickens in maximum confinement often live in battery cages that inhibit movement so severely that they cannot spread their wings or engage in natural behaviors. Farmers debeak chickens to prevent them from pecking each other due to the lack of space. Unfortunately, this procedure can lead to chronic pain throughout the animal’s life. In these unsanitary conditions, diseases spread rapidly, and farmers resort to harsh surgical practices to keep the chickens alive. Layer hens suffer through forced molting, an inhumane treatment that occurs just before they are sent to the slaughterhouse. Farmers starve the chickens of food and water for nearly a month, forcing them to lay as many eggs as possible before killing them for their meat. The slaughter process involves suspending the chickens upside down, often breaking bones, dipping them into an electrical water bath to render them unconscious, and then slitting their throats and de-feathering them.

Sustainable Alternatives to Traditional Poultry Farming

Free-Range Poultry Farming

Free-range farming is a widely accepted practice for producing eggs and is considered environmentally sustainable. It prioritizes natural behavioral instincts by allowing hens outside to roam during the day and securing them at night. Farmers provide water and food on the property at any time, maintain cleanliness, and engage in human contact during the egg collection process. Additionally, no more than 10,000 chickens occupy each hectare of land. The Farm Animal Welfare Code ensures the hens have maximum freedom, making it an essential component of this farming practice.

Certified Organic Poultry Farming

Certified organic farming offers a clean, free-range environment that provides a great livelihood for chickens. Farmers feed them organic ingredients and ensure proper accommodation for sustainable egg-laying. When shopping, look for certified organic logos on meat or egg products to confirm that poultry producers have given these chickens proper care.

Plant-Based Foods as an Alternative

Plant-based diets offer similar alternatives to chicken. Legumes, mushrooms, and beans provide quality protein without the ethical concerns associated with animal farming. Products like tofu also replicate the texture and taste of chicken in various dishes.

Final Thoughts on Cruelty in Canadian Poultry Farming

Thank you for reaching the end of this article! I hope you have learned about the abnormal and inhumane conditions of many poultry farming practices. Now, you can advocate for the livelihood of these animals and try some of the sustainable alternatives listed above. We at Green Schools Green Future appreciate your support in this journey. Donations to the Green Schools Foundation have kept us thriving through every challenge. When we build our first school, a Chicken Coop will be part of our program! Please support our organization by making a donation at our GSGF Foundation and subscribe to our monthly newsletter for more!

For more information on sustainable practices, check out our article on green education. Also, learn about the impact of recycling on our environment.

Image Credits: Transly Translation Agency



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