School is place where children may develop life skills that will help them as adults. To be honest, the educational system we have just test children’s memory. Schools do not focus on techniques and processes for life skills that would be beneficial at all stages of life.
Our intention is not to single out any organization or educational institution; instead, our analysis is based on the global educational system in general. We understand that all of what we are going to discuss may have been taught in a number of countries and schools. However, our focus is on the vast majority of educational systems that do not teach these concepts.
Time management:
The first thing on the list is time management. Today’s children are unaware of the value of time management and how beneficial it can be throughout their lives. Teachers should arrange assignment periods in schools and ask children to complete them at a certain time. You may also assist the children with prioritizing their tasks and understanding why they must do one task first and then the other.
Teach them kindness:
People in today’s society require greater kindness. We are still in the midst of Covid-19 crisis, children are frustrated because they are worried about the future. Tolerance must be taught in schools. If you push them to be kind, the situation will worsen. Simply talk to them about their feelings and emotions. Do not tell a child that “your behaviour is bad”; instead, tell them that “the way you talk makes him or her sad. “Words have power” so pick them wisely. Also see our blog about Raising our Children in an uncertain world.
This is also related to the prior point. We were emphasizing emotions and language. It is equally crucial for children to express themselves. Although everyone emphasizes the need for self-care, no-one genuinely applies it to one’s life. Some examples of self-care are giving yourself some alone time, talking to yourself, doing hobbies that you enjoy, taking care of your mental health, and getting help if necessary. If children begin practising self-care at an early age, it will be easier for them to carry it out later in life.
Mental health is a vast subject that should be included in schools. Children should practise freely expressing their emotions and openly discussing mental health difficulties. This will help to reduce the number of teen suicides since they will know how to deal with their emotions and feelings.
Although it may appear obvious, most individuals underestimate the value of gardening. It is a wonderful idea to create a home garden, but not everyone is capable of doing so. As a result, teaching gardening with chemistry in schools is the greatest option. It teaches children to be responsible and kind. It will also help with the development of teamwork. Teaching youngsters about gardening and how it benefits our earth will build a feeling of responsibility in them. Learn more about the benefits of a vertical garden in our blog.
Household repairs:
Along with major life challenges, everyone encounters little issues. One of the minor concerns is not knowing how to fix home equipment; it’s much more unpleasant when you’re in the middle of something and the item breaks down. The greatest approach is to learn how to do minor repairs so that you can save money in the future.
When we see that diseases are spreading everywhere and that all “modern treatments” have lost their effectiveness, then we turn to natural healing methods. But what if we teach kids how to avoid disease by using natural healing methods? And if they become unwell, they can be treated naturally. Healing with nature will boost their immune system and lower their risks of being ill.
Personal Finance:
Yes, money is important! But, correctly managing money and the history of it is the most complicated matter. Encourage children to grow with a mentality and strategies for managing what they have. If children learn to budget at a young age, they will be far more prepared to manage money as teenagers or adults. The school can teach kids how to spend their pocket money or how to save it to get the specific thing they want.
Socializing or networking:
Because of poor socialization skills, some individuals struggle when they leave school and enter the workforce. Then some of them attend workshops on how to network in order to acquire a job. Another issue that most youngsters nowadays face is learning how to socialize. Teaching them and allowing them to practise social ethics is another effective technique to make them more presentable to the job market.
Green Schools Green Future encourages and teaches students the life skills they will need in the future. We also make certain that the learning helps not only the students but also society and the environment. We consistently urge and highlight that your actions will have an impact on future generations, therefore you must be responsible for what you do with the world and society.
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Written By Samreen Ishaq