In the 21st century, farmers lose their hope in days of hardship in agriculture. In the current scenario, vast millions of people are starving because of deficiency and organic food. Why has our soil lost fertility over the years? There are several reasons for losing fertility, like soil erosion, loss of organic substances, use of pesticides, and standard crop removal. Besides these, denitrification and volatilization are other reasons for nitrogen escape from soil. What all factors affect fertility in soil? It depends on the PH level and minerals contained on the land. Urbanization and climate change make a significant impact on our production sector. The country’s administrators should develop policies for supporting farmers. Moreover, the government should conduct research and development in the agriculture sector for better yields in production.

Is soil static over the years? The answer is no; like other resources, soil changes its nature according to climate, pollution, and artificial inputs. Long years of agricultural practices lose soil fertility, and eventually, it leads the healthy soil to be completely depleted. What is healthy soil? Healthy soil enriches with millions of bacteria, protozoans, minerals, and fungus. In addition to this, monocropping is the other farming practice that causes for depletion of enzymes in soil and loss of organic matter. Complex rotational crop cultivation keeps the ground more fertile and retains its fertility compared to single-crop cultivation. Studies show that synthetic nitrogen fertilizers degrade plant growth and adversely affect the microbial action in the soil.

On the other hand, there are many alternatives for sustainable growth of agriculture other than soil cultivation. Let’s look at this: firstly, cultivating crops under solar panels is an innovative idea generated by boulder county researchers. While using this technology, farmers can attain extra benefits to save water expenses and protect the plants from direct UV rays. In detail, when we cultivate a plant under the solar panels, it would help retain the moist, and these sweats from plants cool the panels above them. After much research conducted, it is evident that solar panels would double benefit cilantro, peppers, and tomatoes irrespective of regions and climatical changes. Solar panels act as a protective shield to crops and reduce the temperature inside. Setting up a solar panel would benefit in producing energy and saving water. Green school green future aims to build a sustainable environment in future hands. We taught them to grow food with the help of technological advancements in the agricultural sector.

Nowadays, urban agriculture is a challenging situation in means of lack of space and unavailability of resources. Urban development hinders the growth of agriculture, and this leads to food contamination. The green roof technology creates a way for agricultural development, paves the way to decrease the use of contaminated water, and creates health awareness among the urban population. Before installing a green roof, should evaluate appropriate management practices, assessment of location, and growth of crops. At the same time, our green roofs will keep the temperature cool on warmer days. Green roofs can purify the pollutant air that refreshes your body and mind and gives you positive energy.

PH value of soil is the other constituent factor in the growth of crops. Before cultivation, one should consider the acidic or basic nature of the ground. PH value in soil plays a significant role in yield production. Reverse water osmosis treatment helps balance PH level management; it removes carbonates from water and keeps soil fertilized. To create a sustainable environment for the future, we need to conserve our mother nature in a more reproductive way.




Written By Mable Francis

V. Farm Depositphotos_199153042_xl-2015

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