It looks like the post-modern lot has finally reached what many would think to be a sacred science that usurps the boundaries of racism, equality or wokeness: mathematics.

In Ontario, students in Grade 9 are now being taught about the “subjective” nature of math, including the historical use of math to “normalize racism”, according to the Toronto Sun. 

Education Minister Stephen Lecce announced last year that changes in Ontario’s curriculum are inclusive of a ‘subjective’ and ‘decolonial’ approach to mathematics, the report says. 

The Ontario Ministry’s website says “an equitable mathematics curriculum recognizes that mathematics can be subjective”. The post goes on to state: 

“Mathematics is often positioned as an objective and pure discipline. However, the content and the context in which it is taught, the mathematicians who are celebrated, and the importance that is placed upon mathematics by society are subjective.”

The curriculum continues: “Mathematics has been used to normalize racism and marginalization of non-Eurocentric mathematical knowledges, and a decolonial, anti-racist approach to mathematics education makes visible its historical roots and social constructions.”

“The Ontario Grade 9 mathematics curriculum emphasizes the need to recognize and challenge systems of power and privilege, both inside and outside the classroom, in order to eliminate systemic barriers and to serve students belonging to groups that have been historically disadvantaged and underserved in mathematics education,” it says.

As part of the curriculum, teachers are going to be “required to promote cross-curricular learning and human rights to create ‘anti-racist, anti-discriminatory learning environments’,” the Sun reports.

Caitlin Clark, spokesperson for Minister Lecce’s office concluded: “The world has changed, the economy has changed and so should the curriculum that inspires and informs our students and leaders of tomorrow. That’s why our government was proud to launch a new curriculum that is focused on the job market, gives young people skills they can apply to their lives, to their households, to their personal budgeting, with an emphasis on financial literacy.”

“We are taking action to ensure all children, especially those facing barriers to success, have meaningful pathways to quality learning, graduation, access to post-secondary education and good-paying jobs.”

Written By: Tyler Durden

THURSDAY, JUL 15, 2021 – 11:40 PM


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