Empowering The Future of our Green Leaders

They say it takes a village to raise a child. As time passes our need for this village has become more and more desperate. As a mom of an impressionable 7-year-old, I often find myself wondering, ‘What am I preparing my child for? What kind of a world will he grow up into? What can I teach him today which will enrich the rest of his life?’ 

While I do miss the utopian village, I realize we all have a village inside us. A village where information passes through the grapevine and the revered wise ones advise us about which choice to make. This so-called internal village I refer to is our intuition. We have a perfectly set up internal guidance system right within us from our birth. 

As we grow, we get lost in the daily hum-drum of our lives, and most of us have buried our intuitive strengths deep inside. We know nothing more than running the rat race and in turn, teach our kids to become a part of it as well. Our financial systems, health systems, and education systems have been so designed that it leaves us incapable of remembering that village inside. Today’s children are confronted with everything that diverts their attention outward. This is why we need to teach them (and learn ourselves in the process) to feel their feelings and be aware of other thoughts.

There is a reason our intuition is called the sixth sense. Because it tells us something about the world around us, just like the other five. In fact, in my opinion, Our sixth sense should be called our first sense because we might lose the other five senses, but never our intuition. We just need to retrain our minds to hear its soft and sweet sound.

How do we teach our children to listen to their intuition?

Children are born with a natural intuitive sense of the world. Sadly, our parenting (which is influenced by our daily lives and culture) plays a big role in disconnecting them. Intuition is cultivated and nurtured at home. The good news is that it is possible to teach our children (and the little child inside us) to listen and trust the intuitive gift.

Model intuition to our children

Children do not listen to us, they observe and learn. When we as adults model using intuitive intelligence in front of them, they learn to trust theirs. When we don’t listen to our intuition it impacts our well-being which then impacts our children.

Give them a safe space

Giving them a safe space to act according to their intuitive knowledge is crucial. Trusting our inner voice takes time and practice. At no point should children be punished for acting according to their inner voice.

Talk about it openly

Having a conversation about ‘gut feelings’ opens up a whole new side in any relationship. Just like we talk to our children about how their day went and what they thought, it is important to spend some time discussing how they practiced using their intuition that day.

Slowing down to breath

Breathwork is key to diverting attention toward our (and their) inner voice. Slowing down and taking deep breaths are simple steps we can take to create inner and outer space for our intuition. We can support our children to do the same by modeling this, and gently encouraging them to slow down and take a deep breath as well.

Creativity and play

Original creativity is intuitive. Intuition is not bound in a box and forced to be limited. Intuition is everything opposite of that. It is limitless and spreads in every direction beyond the horizon, and so is creativity. Co-creating unstructured art with our children guided by intuition is a wonderful way to practice it.

Free unstructured time

While our kids need structure for other things, having unstructured time devoid of technology can do wonders for a child’s intuitive intelligence. I like the idea of Steven Spielberg’s mother giving him a camera to take pictures of things he liked. Even years later, It helped him stay in touch with his inner self. There needs to be greater importance placed on unstructured time where children can explore the simple things in life like the great outdoors, or their imagination, without being whisked away to the next organized activity or agenda.

We do not realize that intuitive intelligence plays a big role in developing their sense of self, which happens during their tender years. In conclusion, nurturing a child’s intuition is a fundamental aspect of their holistic development. By integrating intuition into GSGF education programs, we are sowing the seeds of a brighter future. While as parents it is our responsibility to help children develop this innate skill, schools can also play a pivotal role in this journey. The world of education has the power to empower future green leaders who will shape a more sustainable and compassionate world. Teaching children how to work with their intuition is not just about honing a skill; it’s about fostering a mindset that encourages curiosity, empathy, and innovation. At GSGF, we embrace the wisdom of intuition and take a significant stride towards creating schools for future green leaders, where young minds are not only well-educated but also well-connected to the deeper currents of their inner wisdom. Our vision is to get them ready to navigate the challenges of tomorrow with confidence and resilience.


To view our project and curriculum, https://greenschoolsgreenfuture.org/our-projects/

To learn more on how you can support our cause, https://greenschoolsgreenfuture.org/donate/


Pic Credit: Photo by Sandeep Kr Yadav on Unsplash 


   Written By  Kritika Rao


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