One thing is certain: many people like the summer, therefore fall and winter are not their preferred seasons. However, whether you love the fall or not, you will always enjoy the fall activities. There are several entertainment options in the fall, and it is also a pleasant season for children. We have compiled a list of the top five exciting things to add to your bucket list this season.

Apple picking:

The ideal time to go out and appreciate the change in weather is in the fall, and apple picking is a fantastic fall pastime. The colorful apple picking activity is always a hit with kids. Apple picking is a brilliant method to teach kids about different types of apples and explain the life cycle of apples to help them learn more. Use these printable to demonstrate the process. The farms also sell fresh apple jams, pies, and jellies. You may teach youngsters about fungus, worms, pests, and the significance of chemical-free pesticides and fertilizers while they are apple picking. You can turn your apple-picking trip into a full-fledged lecture on climate change.

Some farms include family games and activities, so do your homework and visit your favorite orchard.

Farm visit:

Watching farm animals on television is an excellent learning exercise, but touching and seeing them in real is a whole other experience. There is no substitute for touching the soft hen, clutching the warm eggs, milking cows, and hearing the neigh, neigh of horses. Children learn empathy and responsibility when they help to take care of farm animals and prepare special food for them. Encourage children to ask the farmers questions; this will help them enhance their imagination. After you get home, you can even have a “returning from the farm” night where you can discuss your experience with each other. Prepare some questions to ask the children about the farm visit.

You can ask them, what was the most unexpected aspect of the farm? Which animal or activity appears entirely different when viewed on television? Is there anything you would want to do on your next farm visit?

Bring your plants inside:

Fall is a season of cool nights and unpredictable weather. Because our plants are also affected by temperature changes, bring them indoors. Plants can be difficult to care for if not done properly. So, when you bring your plants indoors, make sure you carefully inspect and remove any bugs from the plants, as these pests will quickly infect the plants once they are inside.

Small plants that have not yet completely developed have a possibility of surviving inside. Do not shock your plants by bringing them in suddenly for the full day. Instead, bring them inside at night and back outside in the morning. Do this for at least a week before moving them entirely inside; this will prevent the shock condition, and most likely, they will not die as a result of the rapid environmental shift. 

When your plants are indoors, don’t over-water them. Too much water in the soil will suffocate the oxygen, therefore water only when the soil surface seems dry to the touch.

Pick your pumpkin:

Going to the pumpkin patch to choose your favorite pumpkin is also a fun activity in the fall. When you’ve finished all your pumpkin picking, it’s time to decorate them. Involve children in the carving process; it improves their fine motor abilities, and the designs they would carve will boost their critical thinking and imagination. Furthermore, when you display their carved pumpkin art, they feel appreciated and gain self-confidence. Make sure your youngster cleans up any mess that was made when carving the pumpkins; this will teach them responsibility. It is also an excellent opportunity to educate children about food insecurity. If you are unable to consume all the pumpkins, give them to your local community, where they will use them in food programs. You may even offer the pumpkins to farmers to make the composite. Cook the pumpkin seeds, rinse dry and spay a bit of avocado oil and a bit of sea salt and place them in the oven until lightly roasted, delicious and a great snack! “No food waste,” your children will learn this rule from an early age.

Haunted farms at night:

 Get your fear out! Take a walk through “The Cemetery Scare Zone” or try if you can stay silent at The Hiller House. Be aware that the corn mazes and farms have real actors hidden at every turn. These farms provide a variety of entertaining and terrifying activities for families; some have age restrictions for entrance, so be sure to check before bringing children. Have fun with the spooky visits.

 Fall foliage:

The beauty of autumn is to watch the changing colors. If you cannot visit the above-mentioned places, then spend a day in nature. The breathtaking landscape of colorful nature will surely fascinate you. Take a walk or drive through the woods; the beauty will remain the same. The rich green that transforms into yellow, orange, and red will make you feel at peace and boost your appreciation for nature.

Make memories, ask kids to collect different colored leaves or to get buried in the leaves.

Green Schools Green Future encourages students to get out in nature and appreciate all that the earth has to offer. Children must participate in extracurricular activities; therefore, we highly recommend bringing your children to experience the world with you and nourish their minds with all the fresh knowledge.



Written By Samreen Ishaq


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