Father’s Day Gift Ideas!

Time is passing by incredibly fast. Mother’s Day was just a few weeks ago, and now we are in the midst of preparing ourselves for Father’s Day.  Indeed the spring and summer seasons are a great way to spend time with family and show gratitude.  There are many events and activities to try out, even at home. Think about the time when you were in a situation and your father stood up for you or helped you find a solution. Father’s Day is a day to celebrate all men who have contributed in one way or the other in our lives. Let us thank them by giving them a wonderful gift. 

Check out the unique ideas for gifts below: 

Offer your parents a meditation session
A great way to spend time with family is to do a peaceful activity together. Give your overworked dad the gift of meditation – a great way to relax and de-stress. Meditation sharpens your memory and makes you feel happier. In order to get started, you can attend one of the live meditation sessions with renowned wellness coach Pauline Chan.

The sessions are every Tuesday at 8:00 pm EST on Zoom. Here is the information to join:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 635 406 8026
Password: 7wh1mP

The next dates for the meditation sessions are June 9th and 16th. 

Attend the session as a family and enjoy the process of relaxation. 

Write a poem
For the writers and future Shakespeares, showcasing your work to a family member must be one of your biggest dreams. Why not pen down a few lines for your father/grandfather or a father figure. Few lines that can touch the heart and soul of your father can make it the best gift that you can give on this special day. You don’t need to be a poet to write a poem, an amateur artist can also produce fine work as long as it is done with full dedication and emotions.  

Draw a portrait of your father.
Summer is a great season for unleashing your inner artist! However, do not be intimidated by the phrase ‘draw a portrait.’ Although we mainly associate ‘portraits’ as sketches, keep in mind that portraits can come in a variety of styles. Paints or pencils – whatever you choose to do, make sure your canvas is much loved by your father. 

Overall, there are many ways to impress our fathers on this special day! Before you start working on the surprise, think about your father’s interests or pet peeves. For example, if your father is a fan of tea, preparing coffee is not the best idea. Regardless of the final product, parents will always appreciate the effort of their child’s handmade gift. Father’s Day is your chance to express thankfulness for your parents. Therefore, be as creative and imaginative as you can be!

Written by Candice Zhang

Fathers Day

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